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Nevadans Have A Huge Choice to Make

Nevadans Have A Huge Choice to Make

All we've heard for years is the call for #TermLimits. If I've heard it once, I've heard it a million times, "If we only had term limits, we could get rid of all these pesky career politicians" I don't know how to tell you this, but… ELECTIONS ARE TERM LIMITS! It's...

Happy Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day

As a 22 year active-duty member of the USAF, Memorial Day is near and dear to my heart. Today is the day we recognize those who gave the ultimate sacrifice in the defense of America and American Freedoms. I will forever be grateful, as should all Americans, for the...

Joe Lombardo Has Some Answering to Do

Joe Lombardo Has Some Answering to Do

WHY THIS ISSUE IS IMPORTANTThe first responsibility of Sheriff is to ensure, not only that citizens safety is protected, but also, their rights are protected. Ed Uehling of Las Vegas, Nevada tells his story of how he came to the realization that Clark County Sheriff,...

Tom Heck Digital Town Hall Every Monday Night

Tom Heck Digital Town Hall Every Monday Night

DIGITAL TOWN HALL • EVERY MONDAY NIGHT Tom Heck is taking his message directly to the people of Nevada with his weekly Digital Town Halls every Monday night at 7PM PST at ElectHeck.com For the first time in Nevada political history, the Tom Heck for Governor campaign...

RNC & Nevada Republican Party Partner to Combat Election Fraud

RNC & Nevada Republican Party Partner to Combat Election Fraud

May 20, 2022Re: War Room for 2022 Primary ElectionInvitation to all Campaigns Dear Campaign Official: As the RNC's NV State Election Integrity Counsel, I am excited to announce that the RNC and the Nevada Republican Party will be working together on election integrity...

Las Vegas Sun Reporter/Editor Inserts Own Views Into Heck Interview

Las Vegas Sun Reporter/Editor Inserts Own Views Into Heck Interview

Nevada gubernatorial candidate Tom Heck was recently asked to be interviewed by Jessica Hill of the Las Vegas Sun. The interview itself was uneventful, friendly and overall pleasant. The end product, on the other hand, was less than impressive. We've included both the...

Education! Education! Education! The Third Rail of Nevada Politics

Education! Education! Education! The Third Rail of Nevada Politics

IT'S NOT A JOKE. IT'S CRIMINAL. Anyone who's been a citizen of Nevada for any length of time can readily tell you the Nevada education system is in shambles. Year after year, the career politicians of Nevada have kicked the "education" can down the road to the point...

The 2020 Election Was Rigged. Prove Me and 80M Americans Wrong.

The 2020 Election Was Rigged. Prove Me and 80M Americans Wrong.

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know something still doesn’t smell right about the outcome of the 2020 elections. As the next Governor of the state of Nevada, I will launch a full forensic audit of the 2020 election. Additionally, I will task the Nevada...

Tom Heck Digital Town Hall Every Monday Night


Proven Conservative Leadership is needed now more than ever in Nevada.Once again, Conservative Nevadans are expected to HOLD THEIR NOSES and vote for the “chosen ones” because it’s “their turn” and he or she has the most money and is most likely to win. This is...

Happy Easter with a Message of Hope for Our State and Our Nation

Happy Easter with a Message of Hope for Our State and Our Nation

First, I want to say Happy Easter and/or Passover to all of those choosing to exercise their Freedom of Religion as envisioned by our Founding Fathers. For many, Easter is seen as the beginning of Spring that ushers in blooming flowers, bountiful crops and the promise...

Tom Heck’s Commitment to the Rurals

Tom Heck’s Commitment to the Rurals

Sandy Valley, NV| April 10, 2022 The Tom Heck for Governor Campaign Team would like to thank Rob Jozwiak and his wife, Heather, the owners and operators of the Cluck and Moo in Sandy Valley, NV, for inviting Tom to speak with their early Sunday morning patrons. Tom...

Tom Heck Stands With Governor Abbott’s Illegal Alien Decision

Tom Heck Stands With Governor Abbott’s Illegal Alien Decision

Tom Heck fully supports the actions of Texas Governor Greg Abbott in his fight against the unrelenting invasion of illegal aliens. If elected Governor of Nevada, Tom Heck pledges to follow Governor Abbott's lead and pledges to institute the same policy in the state of...

Tom Heck is Unapologetically, 100% Pro 2A!

Tom Heck is Unapologetically, 100% Pro 2A!

Today, I filed my responses to the NRA-PVF 2022 Nevada Candidate Questionnaire. As a Constitutional Conservative, I believe to the core of my being that the founding fathers knew exactly what they were doing when penning the Second Amendment. SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED,...

Tom Heck Talks to Kevin Wall About the Corrupt Nevada GOP

Tom Heck Talks to Kevin Wall About the Corrupt Nevada GOP

Tom Heck spoke with Kevin Wall (KMZQ, Las Vegas) today (3.31.22) to discuss the corruption that is running rampant in the Nevada GOP and prohibiting the citizens of Nevada from being able to hear the ideas and solutions of all GOP candidates, not the career...

Why Did John Lee Have Child Porn on His Digital Device

Why Did John Lee Have Child Porn on His Digital Device

By JENNY KUTNER | PUBLISHED MAY 8, 2015 8:01PM (EDT) | Read Original StoryNorth Las Vegas mayor couldn't figure out why his iPad is full of child porn -- so he had police wipe it cleanFormer North Las Vegas police chief comes clean about corruption, and it doesn't...

Talk To Tom

Talk To Tom

Due to the corrupt fashion in which the Nevada GOP, and in particular the Clark County GOP is excluding Gubernatorial candidates within in just days of them filing to run, the Tom Heck campaign is proud to announce we will be conducting a weekly town hall at 7 PM to...

Our Forgotten Rural Region

Our Forgotten Rural Region

How many times have Nevadans in the rural region heard career politicians promise them during their infrequent ‘tours’ of the rural region, “Vote for me and I will take care of you!” or something similar? By now, most of us have learned that such promises coming from...

Tom Heck Officially Announces His Candidacy For Governor of Nevada

Tom Heck Officially Announces His Candidacy For Governor of Nevada

Tom Heck officially announced his candidacy for Governor of Nevada. Tom Heck is running for Governor because he, along with tens of thousands of fellow Nevadans, are fed up with a system that has proven to be both corrupt and inefficient. Tom's position is simple:...



“The GOP Establishment in the state of Nevada is corrupt from top to bottom. I intend to clean it up and return the power to the people of Nevada." - Tom Heck From a 10% state-wide budget cut on day one to cleaning up the corrupt GOP establishment in the state of...

Tom Heck Speaks Out On Sisolak’s Unconstitutional Mask Mandates

Tom Heck Speaks Out On Sisolak’s Unconstitutional Mask Mandates

“He got too much heat. I’m told he’s going to announce we’re not going to have to wear masks anymore and it's just criminal that he waited this long,” said Republican Governor Candidate, Tom Heck. Governor Steve Sisolak announced plans to update Nevadan’s on COVID-19,...

Tom Heck: Our Military Heroes

Tom Heck: Our Military Heroes

People frequently ask me why I am running for Governor of the Great State of Nevada. I am running because of my dad. My dad, Robert (“Bob”) Heck, is my hero. My dad was a Marine and he fought in both World War II and in Korea. Dad never spoke much about his sacrifices...

The Importance of Leadership

The Importance of Leadership

As all Americans have witnessed over the last several weeks, the horrors in Afghanistan are revolting and most agree it didn’t need to happen. The chaos and failure to protect Americans and our allies in Afghanistan is the direct result of an absence of leadership and...

My Pledge to Cut State Budget by 10% On Day One

My Pledge to Cut State Budget by 10% On Day One

Today, I am announcing my plan for an, across the board, 10% budget cut in all Nevada state departments effective DAY ONE as your new governor. Cutting the state budget by 10%: • Will clearly identify programs and departments that are ineffective. • Will force the...

Why We Need Good Guys With Guns

Why We Need Good Guys With Guns

Remember Jack Wilson and Stephen Willeford? The two armed Texans who stopped church shootings? They're back with an important message: to tell you how INSANE Joe Biden's gun control plan is.   As your next Governor, I will work tirelessly to make Constitutional...

Our Military Heroes

Our Military Heroes

People frequently ask me why I am running for Governor of the Great State of Nevada. I am running because of my dad. My dad, Robert (“Bob”) Heck, is my hero. My dad was a Marine and he fought in both World War II and in Korea. Dad never spoke much about his sacrifices...
